The Sleeping Prophet

Year after year, thousands of people in the world, discover the life and work of a man who was like many others in many ways, loving husband, father of two, photographer passionate, fervent catechist thumb but it was noted for his psychic talent, one of the most extensive and reliable of all time.

the prophecies of edgar cayce

The Prophecies of Edgar Cayce 

Edgar Cayce was born in Kentucky in 1877 and is manifested in him the gift of prophecy in 1901, accidentally striking under other circumstances. Because of common cold and lost his voice then one pilgrimage begins different doctors trying to overcome the annoying condition that forced him to speak just whispering. After a year of looking for a cure to your problem decides to consult a hypnotist known locally.

Cursed Objects

There are objects that are behind impassable curses. Such is the case of the Hope Diamond, the Delhi Purple Sapphire and James Dean car. But there are other items that are cursed in the sense of bringing bad energy: voodoo dolls, skulls, satanic symbols, etc ...

Guide psychic powers. Own one?

Psychic Guide

How to see your aura

To see our aura is as simple as two steps. In the first step it is intended that the person learns to feel your energy field and in the second step and it makes the leap to learn to see with eyes directly. It would be good if you really want to learn to see auras we began with the first step, because although for some people this step can be boring is useful to better accustom our eyes to the second step 

UFOs and strange objects in paintings and antique prints.

10 Chilling Mysteries

The mystery of the ship Ourang Medan