How to pull the runes?

  Runes Armanen or futharkh Armanen is a set of 18 runes and oracles devised in 1902 by the occultist and mystic Germanic paganism regeneracionista Guido von List, published with his theories divination in his 1908 The secret of the runes.
Ways to throw the runes:
Roll single or Rune Rune of Odin:
It is perhaps the simplest method to use the runes as an oracle, but no less reliable. Is simply to get a rune, who consults while focusing on what you mean. The rune will give us a vision drawn around the current scenario of the situation that is being queried. While it is not always possible to extract more specific information is an excellent shot to understand broadly the situation, or to request a council.

Can also be used as a simplified method "for yes or no", whether the throw and falls right (stop) is interpreted as a yes and if the rune drops upside is interpreted as a no .... always taking into account the meaning of the rune itself (if the rune is upside down will be a partial denial).

Roll two runes:

Is quite similar to the previous, but with the difference that it can display, compartmentalized, both negative and positive aspects of a particular situation. When interpreted globally can help clarify some things in greater depth than the single rune. What's more, one can split the single rune roll, and get the second rune to complement the first, contrasting and synthesizing their meanings.

This type of reading, with two runes polarized or comparative readings is more advanced in certain positions within a reading are placing two or more runes (for example: on a reading of past present and future, in the three Rune put two positions to scan the scene in each of the times). Well, as I said, with this reading can be more specific details, though, of course, just the runista intuition plays an important role.

Roll the Norns:

The circulation of the Norns in most of the authors is aimed at the timing, based on the properties of the Norns:

Urdh: that which has come to be (past);

Verdhandi: That which is being (this);

Skuld: what should be (future).

The runes are arranged: 1 2 3

As can be seen, the rune 1 corresponds to the past, those elements that have allowed the current situation is as presented or that have influenced this. The rune 2, this shows the current status of the client as has been brewing since the rune 1.

According to these actions of the past and present situation, things can take a direction shown by the rune 3, which only a forecast, this clarification is extremely important, because in the readings of the runes, which are forecast possible futures according to circumstances, circumstances that can be changed to try to change the future.

Spins by whether or not:

Readings of whether or not (hereinafter s / n) can be done in different ways, traditionally runes rolls a odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) and according to the number of runes or right inverted leaving interpreted if (if they go right) or not (if they go upside down).

When the same number of runes fall inverted and right, and one is symmetric, if this rune is positive, support rights, while on the other hand, if negative supports reversed. If most of the runes are symmetrical try again. It is important to note that you should never leave out the meaning of the rune that is giving you the answer, because it can confirm or counter the response.

Circulation of the cross:

------ 4
---- 1 2 3
------ 5

1: past.
2: this.
3: future.
4: help.
5: issues to be accepted.

Roll the seven runes or mimir roll:

1-2 --- 3-4 --- 5-6
--------- 7

The runes are interpreted in pairs:

1 and 2: past.
3 and 4 present.
4 and 5: Future
7: is the advice they give you runes.

The rune 7 is the board, and ends up being the most important rune. You can remove eighth rune to counter / supplement the seventh, it is up to the runista.

Many times, Runes, Tarot, are channelers of intuition and energy of the person who possesses them. With the practice of this art, wrath knowing the forms, uses and situations to apply certain considerations. But do not worry, it's like riding a bike, once you learn it, you like it or not-never forget. Continue your reading with The meanings of the Runes.