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Each year, thousands of people in the world, discover the life and work of a man who was like many others in many ways, loving husband, father of two, photographer passionate, fervent catechist and thumb; but who was noted for his psychic talent, one of the most extensive and reliable of all time. His name was Edgar Cayce.
For forty-three, made "readings" on a self-hypnotic state of sleep, in order to help people. He lay on a couch, hands crossed over the solar plexus and into trance. Then, it was enough to tell the name of a person and the place in which it was, wherever he went, so I could talk about it and answer the questions you did about it. Cayce often discoursed with his usual voice, a stenographer recorded what was said in the session, then typed, sent to the party concerned and filed the duplicate.
Today, the A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.) [1], Edgar Cayce association created in 1931 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, makes available to the public, in his library, 14,306 for Cayce readings, to which were added testimonies, comments and corresponding traces. These readings represent the most significant psychic set of documents from the same source. The AER, which only had a few hundred members when Cayce died in 1945, is now a major global organization. It allows many people to transform their existence thanks to the work of this very simple man who manifested exceptional psychic abilities.
Edgar Cayce was born near Hopkinsville, in the State of Kentucky, on March 18, 1877. Being the oldest of five children, grew up with his four sisters in the atmosphere of rural life in the late nineteenth century, surrounded by his grandparents, uncles and cousins who lived nearby. I used to play with fictional classmates who were disappearing as he grew. At that time, much of the country experienced a religious revival fervor which could explain, at least partially, the deep appeal of Edgar for the Bible and its aspiration of becoming a medical missionary. At that age, no one would have suspected how singular her dream would materialize.
At six or seven years, told his parents he had supernatural visions and talking to his late grandfather. They do not pay him much attention, thinking it was the result of an overly fertile imagination. Edgar took refuge in reading the Bible, which caused him much satisfaction that solved read the Scriptures from beginning to end once for each year of his life. The biblical stories and characters well occupied a privileged place in his life. At thirteen, he had an experience that impacted him forever: the appearance of an angelic being, a beautiful lady, who asked what he wanted most. Edgar said he wanted to assist others, especially sick children.
Soon, he realized that he could memorize their textbooks sleeping around with his head resting on them, fitness could not be attributed to imagination. Without having read previously, I was able to sleep on books or documents of any size or complexity and, on waking, to repeat their exact content. This ability helped him in his studies, but was fading. To help their parents financially, Edgar left school at sixteen and worked with a guy on the farm of his grandmother.
The following year, the family moved to Hopkinsville. Edgar found a job in a bookstore. Some months later, he met Gertrude Evans, who fell in love. The March 14, 1897, four days before his twentieth birthday, he promised her. They decided to marry as soon as he had the necessary resources to establish a home.
Edgar lost his job in June 1898 and became a salesman in a store. In short he moved to Louisville, Kentucky market town where he got a better paying job at a major bookstore. At Christmas, 1899, he returned to Hopkinsville and was associated with his father, Leslie Cayce, then insurance agent. Edgar began traveling from town to town, selling insurance, as well as books and supplies. In 1900, at twenty-three, when their economic situation allowed him to envision a next marriage, suffered a severe hoarseness after taking a sedative. At first I was worried, believing that the condition would be temporary. Seeing that persisted, consulted doctors and specialists, who failed to make his voice. Unable to speak beyond a whisper, he quit his job and found another that did not require much talking.
In Hopkinsville ideally offered a place as an apprentice photographer. In fact, although his condition was incurable, would be close to Gertrude and her family. Often lamented the failure to continue studying to be a doctor or preacher. It comforted reading the Bible and was happy with the expectation of getting married and having children.
At that time, hypnotism and stage shows were very popular. A traveling hypnotist calling himself "Hart, the king of laughter!" Hopkinsville theater reached its program of comedy and hypnotism. Hart was successful and conscientious. Upon learning of the condition of Edgar, accepted procure heal. In a first session, Hart hypnotized him and suggested he would regain his voice. To the astonishment of those present, Edgar said in a normal tone to the questions put to him. However, his brain did not comply with the post-hypnotic suggestion to continue speaking clearly after the session. Hart attempted reiterated several times, always getting the same result: asleep, Edgar was expressed perfectly; awake, returned to his previous murmur. Local newspapers reported the news, and when Hart went to meet with other commitments, many people were convinced that hypnotism was, somehow, the solution to the problem of Cayce ..
Knowing that certain patients under hypnosis showed powers of clairvoyance, a specialist in New York, concerned in the case, advised to repeat the experiment but this time, asking Edgar to comment on his own difficulty, rather than just suggest he regained voice. His parents objected because he was physically weakened from the start of the sessions with Hart, as if they had been lifted the body's energy. Gertrude did not intervene, leaving her boyfriend chose for himself, since he liked Edgar photography and who, in one way or another, could lead a happy life together.
Determined Cayce undergo a final attempt under the supervision of a local self-taught, Al Layne, who practiced hypnotism and osteopathy took correspondence courses. He also proposed to enter into a state similar to that allowed him to memorize his school books in his teens. When he was asleep, Layne asked what was the cause of evil and how to cure it. And Cayce answered! He defined the problem as a psychological disorder that produced a physical effect and recommended that, while he was unconscious, he suggested to intensify the blood circulation in the affected areas. Layne complied with the instructions. It was observed how the upper chest and throat became scarlet Edgar and warm to the touch. Edgar and remained about twenty minutes in silence, then asked, before waking, he gave the order to regularize blood circulation. Layne followed these instructions and, awake, Cayce was expressed to perfection, cured of the disease he had suffered for a year. On that date, March 31, 1901, Edgar Cayce had made his first "reading" psychic.
Both he and his parents and Gertrude rejoiced that unexpected outcome. Now, his goal was to forge a future in photography and marry soon. Cayce, therefore, she had neglected her priceless gift, but for the interest of Layne in the extraordinary phenomenon that he witnessed. From years ago, Layne suffered gastric upset that the doctors could not relieve, and came about requesting a reading. He was sure that his medical knowledge he would identify any harmful therapeutic suggestion could mention Cayce. Despite his skepticism, he accepted, as he felt compelled to Layne for helping him regain his voice. The reading is carried out analogously to the above. Asleep, Edgar described the condition in detail and sent certain herbs, proper diet and exercise. Within a week, Layne had improved so much that further enthused with the power to Cayce. He encouraged them to give importance to your ability and try to solve other cases.
Edgar hesitated, because I did not understand the phenomenon and knew nothing about medicine. Apart from this, just wanted to marry, have children and lead a quiet life. But Layne kept saying that if his talent was beneficial, had a moral responsibility to use it for the good of humanity. Finally, after much dialogue with family, pray and discuss the Bible, Edgar decided to continue, putting two conditions: first, if any of your advice it is dangerous, the readings would be discontinued immediately, on the other hand, the people involved would remember that He was primarily a photographer.
One of the first readings are issued for a five year old girl named Aime Dietrich, seriously ill for three years. In the aftermath of the flu, his brain had ceased to develop and frequent convulsions racked her small body. Despite consultations with eminent physicians and specialists, his mind went blank and his condition worsened.
Layne directed reading and said what Cayce said in trance. He stated that the problem had arisen a few days before Aime catch cold when the girl he had hurt his spine when he fell down from a horse (accident confirmed by the mother), the flu germs had stayed at traumatized the bone, causing the seizures. Edgar Layne recommended that effected certain osteopathic manipulations. In a control reading indicated that the manipulations were not executed correctly, and gave new instructions. After several attempts, he did what needed. A few days later, Aime called his name to a doll that used to play before getting sick. Later recognized other objects and also their parents. The seizures completely disappeared. In less than three months, the girl, absolutely normal, brimming with health.
Although Cayce was glad he had been useful, only longed for a quiet life! However, the enthusiasm of Layne of his father and other people like Aime parents, he was becoming increasingly difficult to realize their desire. Edgar continued to dictate free readings under the supervision of Layne. Soon, it was discovered that he needed only the name and location of a person to describe their health status, diagnose their ailments, prescribe treatment and answer questions. While readings disturbed him because rarely understood his meaning to read Layne notes, never forgot to thank God when that power allowed someone help.
At that time, Edgar lived in Bowling Green, about a hundred miles of Hopkinsville, and worked in a bookstore. Layne went to see him every Sunday in order to get readings for their patients. The June 17, 1903, after dating for more than six years, and Edgar Evans Cayce Gertrude celebrated their wedding. Edgar was not used to the readings, but his life was satisfied: he had a loving wife, a home, a good paying job, and taught catechism. A year later, he set up a photographic studio with a partner.
Thanks to Cayce, Layne saw his reputation and clientele grow so much that decided to be professional osteopath. It was Hopkinsville and entered a school of osteopathy south of Kentucky. Edgar was wrong thinking that this would put an end to the readings. Indeed, had aroused the curiosity of a group of local physicians who performed tests on him, some harmful, designed to explore the nature and source of his psychic powers.
Cayce devoted most of his time to photography and was distinguished in his art. The study prospered. However, when a fire destroyed a large collection of watercolors and reproductions I had on consignment, Edgar borrowed. Nine months later, another fire destroyed the studio. Cayce reopened within two weeks, and he took the losses just because his partner had retired. Gertrude returned to Hopkinsville with Hugh Lynn, her first child, born on March 16, 1907. Edgar remained in Bowling Green to cover its deficit. He left in August 1909, ruined, and looked for a job in the state of Alabama, where photographers were scarce.
At Christmas he visited his family. His father introduced him to Dr. Wesley Ketchum, homeopath newly established in the city. This, he had learned from the readings by one of the patients Layne, asked one. Having diagnosed appendicitis, wanted to know if Edgar would be able to detect it. Cayce said very different disorder and proposed a simple treatment. In order to ridicule, Ketchum consulted another doctor, who corroborated the statements of Edgar! Thus persuaded of the truth of the readings.
Dr. Ketchum began to resort to the power of Cayce for its most sensitive cases. In 1910, he sent a report to the 'American Society of Clinical Research', in which qualified prodigy Cayce of medicine. It turned out that the October 9, the newspaper "The New York Times published a long article entitled" An uneducated man becomes a doctor under hypnosis ". Given the number of requests for readings from around the country, Dr. Wesley Ketchum, Edgar Cayce, Cayce and Albert Leslie Noe, wealthy hotelier, founded the 'Psychic Reading Corporation' (Society for Psychic Readings). Edgar returned to Hopkinsville, where he set up a photographic studio, the 'Art Studio Cayce'. Every day, in his spare time performing psychic readings on medical problems. However, it was much happier in their work as a photographer, and only a year after change of attitude on the readings.
On one occasion, a wealthy contractor named George Dalton broke his leg and kneecap in a work accident. Several doctors told him he would never walk normally due to the severity of the damage in the knee. Not satisfied with the diagnosis, Dalton consulted Dr. Ketchum. In a reading, Edgar recompusiera advised that the patella with nails. Such a procedure was unknown at the time, but Dr. Ketchum, trusting in Cayce, underwent surgery. In some months, Dalton walked as if the accident had not happened.
Gertrude and Edgar had a second child in March 1911, Milton Porter. A few days old, the baby suffered cough and then colitis. Despite the intervention of several doctors, his health deteriorated. The doctors gave up hope of saving it. Cayce then performed a reading. Milton Porter stated that he was too ill and hopelessly hopeless. The child died before the age of two months.
Cayce and his wife fell into a deep depression. He blamed himself for not having thought of the readings from the beginning. This may have saved the baby's life, but now, never know! Gertrude, meanwhile, contracted pleurisy which worsened over the months and bedridden.
In late summer, the doctor changed his diagnosis Gertrude and told Edgar that she had tuberculosis and was declining. A specialist confirmed the terrible reality and all except her husband, resigned to his imminent death. Edgar appealed to a reading. This gave hope, and recommended that Gertrude took a pharmaceutical and decongest the lungs inhaling steam from a partially filled keg oak apple brandy. The doctors said that the remedy would be useless, but Ketchum prescribed it. Two days later, the fever had gone down and Gertrude felt stronger. His condition continued to improve and, in November, even doctors were optimistic. In January 1912, Gertrude was almost fully recovered from her illness.
That same year, a delegate from Harvard University, Dr. Hugo Münsterberg, came to Hopkinsville to investigate the Cayce psychic talent. I had every intention of trying to destroy his reputation was but a charlatan. When he left, he was convinced of the legitimacy and effectiveness of the readings. Edgar prompted her pursuit of her unusual gift that was helping many people.
Cayce broke his partnership with Ketchum and Noah, and went to work as a photographer to Selma, Alabama. The following year, he bought the study of which he was manager, and brought to Gertrude and Hugh Lynn. There, he could escape his growing notoriety and start a quiet family life. However, one day, her son severely burned eyes playing in the studio with magnesium powder used for flash. Doctors said that the child did not recover his sight and spoke in favor of the ablation of an eye. In a reading, Hugh Lynn Cayce said that he had not lost sight, he needed to stay in a dark room for two weeks, with eyes constantly on pads impregnated with the solution prescribed by doctors, which added another ingredient. There was no surgical intervention, and when the bandages were removed, the child saw! Local newspapers recounted what happened, so that Cayce again became famous and give readings while tackling his photographic studio. Also, as in all the cities where he had lived, participated in the activities of the parish and taught catechism. On February 9, 1918, Gertrude and Edgar had another son, Edgar Evans.
With the increasing number of requests for readings, a difficulty arose many people could not find doctors willing to follow the instructions of a man who did not even know and diagnosed, in trance, disease patients often he had ever seen. Cayce began to dream of a hospital in which doctors, nurses and therapists apply the treatments mentioned in the readings.
This dream of the hospital led him to associate with men seeking oil in Texas. Edgar traveled to the state to take readings on possible mining sites. He built a tower and a well was drilled, but the site was never reached because of multiple obstacles. Stressing that the information provided should not be used for profit staff, the readings indicated that some of the Cayce partners did not share his desire to create a hospital and just wanted to get rich.
After this attempt disappointing that had lasted four years, Edgar returned to Selma. He resumed his existence at the point where he had left it, with his wife, two children, their work and their role in the Church. His catechism classes were the most popular in the region, thanks to the ability he had to give life to the characters and the biblical accounts. In September 1923, Gladys Davis hired as secretary to transcribe everything that is said in the readings, at that time led by Gertrude.
Until that time, information provided by Cayce psychic dealt exclusively with medicine. However, Arthur Lammers, a printer in the city of Dayton, Ohio, passionate about philosophy and metaphysics, called a reading about your horoscope. [2] In the end, Edgar enunciated that Lammers had been a monk in the past, thus raising the hypothesis of reincarnation and opening the door to new perspectives.
This revelation was a dilemma for Cayce: he did not doubt the usefulness and accuracy of the readings in health, but such direct reference to reincarnation seemed to oppose traditional Christian principles. He prayed about it, questioned its inner being performed readings, and reread the whole Bible keeping the idea of reincarnation. In this way, acquired a sublime vision of unity among the great religions of the world, centered on Christianity.
Edgar Cayce found that the concept of reincarnation is based on the following notions philosophical: life is eternal and has a purpose, everything that exists emanates from God and belongs to God, as souls, we are children of the Creator and thus , equal, we received free will - one day, we choose the path of altruism. Cayce realized that reincarnation compatible with any religion, consistent with their own understanding of the teachings of Christ.
From that time, Edgar performed readings, not only on the physical body, but also the mind and soul as well as the previous lives of the people who consulted and the impact of those previous experiences in its current incarnation. These lectures were called "life readings". Over time, the information provided diversified and covered a broad range of issues. Among others, addressed mental and spiritual precepts, unpublished views concerning psychology and parapsychology, tips to improve our personal relationships, the story of Creation, vanished civilizations, fascinating description of the life of Jesus.
Increasingly being requested, Cayce left his photo studio to devote himself fully to the readings and to seek financial support for the building of the hospital. He began accepting donations, but never refused to help those who could not pay. Due to the undeniable benefit of the readings, several people offered to sponsor the hospital with both dreamed. However, a group wanted to build in Chicago, one in Dayton, while readings specified or around Virginia Beach. Finally, Morton Blumenthal, agent of change in the stock exchange in New York, agreed to fund the project in the right place.
In September 1925, the Cayce and Gladys Davis family moved to Virginia Beach, Virginia. In 1927, he founded an organization, "Association of National Investigators, Inc. ' (National Investigators Association), to analyze and experience the information contained in the readings. His motto was: "us show our love for God and humanity." A year later, on November 11, 1928, opened the Edgar Cayce Hospital. Patients came from all over the country, eager to get readings and being attended by a competent staff. In readings, Cayce diagnosed diseases and prescribed various methods of treatment, from a change of diet to surgery. Not favor any branch of medicine, but recommended that all, selecting in each case the most suitable.
In October 1929, began the great economic crisis. Despite this, it opened in 1930, humanistic, 'Atlantic University' (Atlantic University). The hospital operated until February 1931, in which he had to close and the organization dissolved due to lack of financial resources. The university was able to survive until Christmas.
In June of the same year, created the AER, 'Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.' (Association for Research and Spiritual Development), with the aim of studying and disseminating the Cayce readings. The Association essentially concentrated in holistic medicine and spiritual healing, reincarnation, dreams and their interpretation, psychic phenomena, the power of the mind, prayer and meditation, philosophical and spiritual principles.
Many people wanting to develop their ESP went to Edgar Cayce. He used to answer that first should strive to raise their level of consciousness, as the psychic came from the soul. He assured them that if cultivated the spiritual, psychic faculties naturally accentuate according to their needs and the reason for its present incarnation. Cayce explained to them that, to be ready to incorporate the provisions of the readings to their religious or philosophical beliefs, obtain useful results, otherwise, it was better to leave out information from the readings and forget about them.
Over the years, widened Cayce's psychic abilities. On one occasion, he ran from the room where he was, totally distressed because I had just seen that three young men, in whom I was thinking, would not return from the war. Also, auras distinguished, defined as the luminous energy field existing around living things. Through them, perceived physical and emotional state of the people.
As his reputation spread, more skeptical coming to Virginia Beach for the sole purpose of accusing him of fraud. Sooner or later, all were convinced of his sincerity and authenticity of his work, and many requested readings. One of them, the writer Thomas Sugrue, a fervent Catholic who had come with the intention of highlighting what it considered a sham, ended up writing the biography "There is a River" ("There is a River"), published in 1943 while Cayce still alive. Similarly, the journal 'Coronet', very popular at the time, reported the findings of its inquiry in an article titled "Miracle Man of Virginia Beach". This story was so successful that Cayce became more famous than ever.
In the middle of World War II, Edgar Cayce received a voluminous correspondence for help. Increased the number of daily readings to six, ignoring his personal readings urged him to make a maximum of two per day. However, it was necessary to ask for a reading two years in advance.
In the spring of 1944, Edgar began to weaken. While readings advised him rest, he felt compelled to continue to assist those who called him. Finally, exhaustion overcame him and, like its first reading had made for himself in 1901, was issued last, in September 1944. It urged him to suspend their activities, when Gertrude asked for how long, the answer was: "Until he recovers or dies." Almost immediately suffered a stroke and was partially paralyzed. By the end of the year, his friends feared the worst. Edgar told to "heal" after new year, but they realized that actually announcing his death, which occurred on January 3, 1945. Until then, no one had realized that Gertrude, in her generous desire to hide his own torments, was seriously ill. She expired about three months later, on Easter Sunday.
While Cayce's sons fought in the war, Gladys Davis was devoted to archive, categorize and catalog the information in the readings that she had, in large part, annotated and typed with effort and patience. Concluded the project in 1971, a quarter century after they started! In the course of their work, could appreciate the breadth and diversity of the issues raised in the readings. They cover about ten thousand different issues and answer almost every question imaginable in Cayce's time. In addition to assuming this significant task, Gladys was secretary of organizations linked to the work of Cayce, until his death in 1986 at the age of eighty-one years.
Meanwhile, Hugh Lynn Cayce ARE took over Aroused the interest of many in the holistic concepts of the readings and the role of the Association. When he died in 1982, the total number of members had increased from a few hundred to tens of thousands. Today, countless people in the world benefit from the legacy of Edgar Cayce health, reincarnation, dreams, ESP, meditation, spiritual growth, the comparative study of religions, existence after death , astrology, prophecies, global issues, and more.
Whence came the knowledge communicated in the readings? Overall, Cayce acquired in two ways: contacting the subconscious of those applying the readings, and resorting to "Akashic records," which he also called "the book of God's memory," complete files for all souls since its inception, inscribed in the space-time coordinates. With universal access to sources of knowledge, Cayce was able to discourse on any subject.
Today, many organizations use the data provided by Edgar Cayce psychic trance. ARE, 'Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.' (Association for Research and Spiritual Development) is a global scale association continues to review and document the precepts of the readings. Share them through publications, conferences, meetings, as well as educational, cultural and social services for adults and youth. ECF, 'Edgar Cayce Foundation' (Edgar Cayce Foundation), is an autonomous organization legally responsible for the readings. Compare the notions transmitted by Cayce with those from other trends. AU, 'Atlantic University' (Atlantic University), which had closed its doors in 1931, the re-opened in 1985. It offers a master's program in transpersonal studies, as well as numerous courses, several of which combine metaphysics, philosophy and parapsychology. 'Cayce Reilly School of Massotherapy' (School of Massotherapy Cayce-Reilly) is masseurs and holistic therapists as the basics of reading. HRC, 'Health and Rejuvenation Center' (Centre for Health and Rejuvenation), use these concepts in their natural therapies. As AER health department, the center serves patients and delves into medical issues addressed by Cayce, taking into account the advances of modern medicine.
The existence of all these organizations testifies that psychic information contained in the readings of Edgar Cayce, photographer of the early twentieth century native of the country, has successfully passed the test of intense research to which it is subjected for many years.
Source: http://www.edgarcayce.org/espanol