![]() Law: It means that the question is yes. Rune is wild oxen, represents strength and indomitable energy, vital, hard of wild ox that ran the same territory and formed an important part in the life of the northern tribes. For all these wild bison peoples symbolized strength, virility, hence Uruz is considered a major indicator of good health and strong powers of resistance. This rune in a health question, indicating a rapid recovery from an illness represents male and portends an exciting affair (you have to search around runes if completed successfully or not). You can also point out the True Will of the client and may reflect what everyone seeks. It is a strong and powerful rune. Governs all sudden and unexpected changes that impel you to use within to use the force honest and powerful rune it only offers. These changes are natural and should be avoided. Examine things in your life which you are too specific at this time. Observe surrounding runes can Uruz and that if you ignore, abandon those things. Improvements in labor issues, financial investments only through effort and hard work. Promotion or new job with added responsibilities. In the latter case, possess the strength to make you over the post without any problem. Good luck and have some success no matter the added risks. Reversed: Have you missed an opportunity by petty concerns or have not seized the moment because you are depressed and about to render you? Will weak and low self-esteem, lack of motivation or wish someone "stronger than you" control your life. It may seem to you that your strength is used against you, this is especially so when it comes accompanied Uruz or Wunjo Gifu. If the roll is about health, Uruz vitality and energy portends a very weak or a disease that will soon have to deal with. For a man means low sexual and psychological problems caused by it. Associated with runes instead as Raidho Ehwaz or can point out to you because of your lack of motivation ye overlooked one positive random change. If the tone of the overall reading is negative, predicts Uruz ignore any change no chance that someone close to you will provide. However, while leaving the upside Uruz and runes are positive about the change can end well. THURISAZ ![]() "Protection and luck" Sequential Order # 2 Law: The question is yes and this rune has many associations with the protection and luck. Sometimes an unexpected blow portends good luck but others, indicates that after hard work there is always the reward. "You will be in the right place at the right time." If the roll is negative indicating that the winning streak is coming to an end (only very negative runes). Be careful not to fall too much on your own safety and that you can receive a rude awakening: evaluad the situation and what place you occupy before continuing on with recklessness. You can also show you that maybe you are wrong and you are right, not only you. The runes Thurisaz surrounding you indicate whether it is a business issue or emotional relationships if they have to postpone. Beside you, anyway, there are hidden forces that will help you and you'll have to trust if you want to get ahead on projects that will occupy. Reversed: Indicates something very similar to the right. The main difference is that the consultant does not heed the advice that has been said, is so close to himself that he does not accept anything that has not been generated by his own brain. The consequences then go that way, will be far worse than exiting to the right. It can also be a time and material loss by the disloyalty that you had always believed good friends. Indicates that you feel threatened by an individual perceive weaker but that basically is not. Look at the runes surrounding that person who can be and how far you want to go. ANSUZ ![]() "The spoken word" Sequential Order # 3 law: The meaning of this rune is mouth and as such, the importance of the spoken word, the power of communication between people. It may presage a review of any kind, oral or in writing to be made fears aside because you can successfully pass and eloquence whatever arises. Stay tuned for any meeting or chance encounter because you can positively affect the development of your career. I thought cautions that need to be quiet and cautious in your decisions. Heed advice that you can provide your parents or a superior: This advice will always be sincere and just try to help you. Also predicts a new job opportunity or a new aspect in your life that may never you find it. In this case, it is likely to help you and guide an individual patient compassionate, generous and wisdom, who learn a lot. Reversed: Lies, trickery and deception in general. Do not believe everything they tell you, inquire with someone impartial: someone in a superior position to you is interfering with your plans. Remove this rune reversed may indicate a failure or outright refusal on your part to learn the lessons of life. It can also involve dissatisfaction produced by the choice of a job or a job wrong. You can point to an eternal student who does not want to acquire responsibilities in life and that is hurting his family. RAIDHO ![]() "The movement" Sequential Order No. 4 Right: The people identified it Norse rune with "cart" and logically indicates travel or movement. Usually portends joyride but also indicates an important decision that you must make in a short space of time. Sometimes it can also mean a journey of the soul, a transformation towards equilibrium. It's a good time to engage in any discussion or denial, and to invest in stock market (buy or sell). About to receive important information by phone or in writing. Raidho often means that you are undecided about a problematic situation and indicates that you be attentive and really pay attention to the little details that you can give a good track. If it comes with inverted Perdhro means broken promises; With Eolh inverted, shows that perhaps you will cheat. Reversed: Rather negative tone when it comes out in this position. You can specify a trip you are going to undertake bad omen, breakdowns or perhaps an accident: better postpone. Often shows a visit to a sick friend or family but also show others that you are going to visit at a bad time. Reversal of plans and problems in any business transaction or negotiation. More reconciliations ruptures both in love and in the workplace. KENAZ ![]() "Power within, fire" Sequential Order No. 5 Right: Flame is friendly, warm and controlled torch or chimney. It represents the strength, energy and power, as Uruz, means physical and strong recuperative powers. Disappear walls make you suffer and your life will be filled with wonderful things. Moment of great opportunities and creative ideas, so do not discount the start of a new project. Protection season starts and all kinds of good things to come into your life. In about romance, Kenaz represents the figure of a man offering love to a woman (even expensive gifts). You have to look at the runes on about whether this gift will be well received or otherwise, rejected. It may presage a birth. Reversed: Indicates the end, losses, delays and confusion in the problems. Lock your progress generating trauma and anxieties. In love, speaks of divorce, separation final. Whether these negative changes are working as sentimental, aceptadlos thinking that are necessary and prepare the heart for regrowth undoubtedly happen. GIFU or OECs ![]() "The Gift" Sequential Order No. 6 You have no reverse position. If you leave this wonderful time assures you of success and achievement in any matter that keeps you worried. Gifu also foreshadows a type of society both in love and in business. It could be a marriage or commitment to cement a long-term relationship. Listen to your intuition because you will have opportunities to increase this capacity. Gifts and generous person who comes to your life money in a time of need. Time of peace and contentment. WUNJO ![]() "The joy, success" Sequential Order No. 7 Right: This rune is related to emotional everyone around you and encourages you, soon you will live insinuándoos great happiness and joy. Finally comes the success you expected in any aspect you to ask. It is likely that this rune appears regularly in the readings of those who are artists or artisans and creative elements they need for personal happiness. Reversed: It is exactly the opposite meaning to the right. It involves all kinds of delays and disruptions, things take longer than expected to bear fruit and announce times of crisis and misfortune. Ehwaz with Raidho shows a trip or problem or malfunction. If the deal is subject to labor may indicate dissatisfaction or misstatement when perform it. Can indicate problems or frictions caused by a third party. Be especially careful at this time by partners or opponents. Hagall or hagalaz ![]() "Obstacles and Limitations" Sequential Order No. 8 It is a primary rune and delay constraints, represents all the forces outside your control. Fracture elemental forces smash into our lives are impersonal, that is, we can not blame anyone and do not try to fight fate: sometimes you have to learn from the delays and limitations If you are thinking of running some risk of some kind, it is better to pass the time. Coupled Huera Fehu or plans will bear fruit but with much effort and work on your part. But Perdhro show a windfall from a lottery or game. This rune sometimes indicates a special event, such as an illness, a birth or even death to look for in the runes surrounding its meaning. NIED O NAUDDHIZ ![]() "The Wheel of Time" Sequential Order No. 9 Law: This rune brings to consciousness the virtue of patience either to get something like out of an unpleasant situation. Despite how exhausting as this is, Nied indicates that everything will be solved in due time and even if you are very distressed and concerned, the outcome will not happen before. Can also be a passing situation, learning and often sentimental concerns. You should bite that emotional challenge and perhaps superéis any obstacle. Need to think twice before embarking on a new project because there are too objective or enough energy you can count on. Nied almost always implies failure and recommends you to resist and keep you as you are, conserving energy. In partnership with health runes, Nied indicate poor health or chronic grief. But if health associated runes are strong, as Kenaz, quick recovery Nied speak or perhaps definitive cure. In matters of romance, you implied that you are dominated by a kind of emotional need at this time is not faced with full satisfaction for you. Indicates the needs of each and you should ask if you feel uneasy about minor inconveniences that may ye desmesurando, or if instead, you have a problem. Reversed: Think twice before you act now you're taking a wrong turn. If you continue in the same way, Nied warns you of failure and despair inevitable. Do not act driven by impatience because your actions have consequences worse than you imagine. If it is too late to stop it is best to acknowledge the error and try to save what we can. Along with Wyrd or Huera indicates that it is time to establish some compensation for past mistakes. If you are not honest with yourself and you are not willing to accept your duties, you will find that some force outside your control will intervene to ensure that you pay. If Nied backwards out together with Hagall, this "outside force" could be God with it would be the destination Wyrd; With Huera you can have trouble with the law. ISA ![]() "Termination of activity" Sequential Order # 10 Isa means "cessation of activities." Nothing should halt all plans, which reemprenderán a more auspicious time. Long delays and frustrations, only if they are surrounded by very negative runes such delays will not be solved. In the sentimental field also means separations and separations. Grudges and resentments will almost insurmountable perhaps because of disloyalty on the part of the client. If Isa surrounding runes are too negative, portends that the distance is so great that you can not recover anything. JARA or JERA ![]() "Reward" Sequential Order No. 11 The meaning of this rune is vintage and means "collecting rewards for a job well done." These rewards are usually karmitas, ie, as a reward for good work done.Huera is also the rune of justice and all kinds of legalities, sometimes appears when the consultant is concerned about legal issues, but does not always indicate positive (you have to look in nearby runes. Results are not immediate, we must go slowly collecting them in due time. If Huera surrounding runes are positive, indicating that many of the bugs and problems in question, will be mitigated with great effort. Whereas, if the reading is predominantly negative, unlucky presage . Attached to Wyrd, or Hagall Nied, sometimes Huera shows that the consultant is following a path for the unprepared and doing this, tempting fate. could also refer to not speak ill of anyone before knowing all the facts involved in the matter that concerns us. EIHWAZ ![]() "Continuity of Life" Sequential Order No. 12 The answer is always yes. For ancient yew symbolized a powerful ally in their lives even more than oak so this rune has powerful associations with protection in all aspects. Indicates that if we put our goals in an important project, as it will achieve great success. You may see obstacles in your way, but do not show yourself too eager to move forward and that ultimately this delay will be favorable to bring things to a better achievement. No Worries at all because Eihwaz is in your path and everything will change for the better. Observe the runes Eihwaz out immediately after and give you a clue about what is going to happen. This rune indicates that only through the foresight, perseverance and appropriate action may avoid the difficulties. Have a more complete picture of your life and try to come forward to events that may arise. If discovered in time, most problems can be converted into triumphs. It can also mean settling for something that has remained hidden for long. PERDHRO O Perthro ![]() "Mystery" Sequential Order No. 13 Law: The answer is yes. Experts do not agree on the meaning of this figure. Some have called it "chess piece" others "beaker" and some have even suggested that it is the meaning of a "tune or music". However, in divination means things hidden, secret and occult abilities. On a read, indicates Perdhro things, people or qualities that have remained hidden for time are about to come to light. It is possible that you find things that were lost or that an important secret is revealed. Economically speaking you will see a windfall, especially when out with Thurisaz, Gifu, Hagall or Wyrd. Sometimes this money comes in the form of gift and will have to look at the surrounding runes to find the reasons for this. On issues related to love, when Perdhro out with Uruz, Gifu, Kenaz, Wunjo, Tir, or Lagaz Beorg indicates great sexual compatibility by both parties. But if Uruz, Kenaz or Tir go backwards can show that today the relationship is only based on sexual attraction and certainly fail if there is an effort to relate to other levels.With Perdhro negative runes can predict disease of some kind that will not respond to individual treatments. Should be approached from an unconventional perspective. You can indicate in normal position, a strong intuitive ability or occult by the consultant, who may soon need to help someone in a difficult time. Reversed: The events will not be as you had expected. Not entertain hopes at this time or you feel overwhelmed by the circumstances: try to be cautious and time controlled the situation. Often portends a heartbreak or perhaps a good friend / a. No invirtáis or lend it money because you will find it difficult to recover. Sexual problems or sexual unattractiveness for the couple. It can warn you that someone around you experiences with dangerous hidden forces. Eohl O ELHAZ ![]() "Protection instinctive" Sequential Order No. 14 Law: The answer is yes. It is one of the great runes for protection and means that a new and lucky influence enters our lives. This influence may be a new professional opportunity and even a new love. It is also a rune of friendship and a relationship with someone showing open, generous and fun. If you are threatened harm. You will receive a powerful premonition warning that you avoid the problems that arise. It is important that you observe the runes and wear around your intuition. Reversed: Vulnerability and sacrifice without gain. There are people who deceive and mislead you and may you become the scapegoat for the failures of others. Can warn of a job offer that you should not accept because you are hiding serious problems at the company. Sometimes, it can point out to you that rune you who you're fooling unwilling to accept your own responsibilities. Maybe you expect something for nothing and your greed or naivety will become mature. In matters of love, Eohl advised delaying new romantic relationships to learn more about the character and motives of your partner. SIGEL O sowilo ![]() "Victoria and great power" Sequential Order No. 15 Together with Tir, is a major victory runes, and runic appearance implies a circulation insured success and power. You will be provided a lot of power right now to easily exceed whatever. Any opposition will be overcome quickly leaving time to relax and assail it slow. It may warn you that the stress has begun to pasaros invoice and you must take some time off and then continue with the task more objectively. You can also point out to you that you are being workaholics and need of tranquility. If the surrounding runes are negative Sigel, predicts that you worry too much about your problems, but you give the impression never get enough motivation to do something about it. Often indicates a selfish person who wants to be in control of your life at all times. In this case the runes that you should consider are: Wyrd, Hagall, Isa, Nied and Thurisaz (especially Nied). Sigel is a rune of great health and vitality and sometimes appears in the reading, when the consultant is concerned about your health. It lacks upside and almost always positive. TYR O TIWAZ ![]() "The spiritual warrior" Sequential Order No. 16 Law: It's another great success and power rune in any competition. The competitive spirit is embodied in this rune like no other and it is likely that this spirit permeate your life for the duration of the prediction. You can indicate that you are about to take on a strong wind or that you have done: you will be fighting against unjust causes. Chances are that you may be successful all these struggles. It is a rune that produces a large external motivation, a great force of will and mental clarity will be important to overcome all obstacles. But beware accompanying runes, because if they are negative means the opposition will prevail despite the efforts that you put in your struggle. Tir often means material gains and power or both at once. It is a wonderful omen in matters of love and friendship. If the affair just begun, indicates that it will be durable. If the consultant is a woman, predicts that in short time, appear the most important man in your life or that there is a man who will help at a critical time. If in the latter case, the reverse can Tir out that this person is hiding something and will have to question the motives. More Wunjo Tir tells of a lasting relationship. But with Perdhro Tir law inside out indicates that the relationship is based only on sex. If the consultant is a man, Tir refers to willpower and united with Manaz speaks to receive help from powerful friends.Tir also talks about recovery from illness. Reversed: Represents failure in competitive enterprises and lack of fidelity both in love and in friendships. I can mean an obstructed flow of energy and creative minds are very unemployed. Great impatience on the part of the consultant and constant mistakes in their decisions. If consiguierais be patient, things will definitely improve. BEORG O berkano ![]() "Force female fertility" Sequential Order No 17 Law: The answer is yes. Often represents an event that brings joy and great joy to the family, such as a birth or a wedding. It represents your "real home", "home where your heart lies" and not where you may be living at this time. Beorg birth bodes always either real or form an idea. Hear things with care and attention and always indicates a tangible result and is very useful when contemplating a new project. It suggests that someone has to get going immediately. New Romances that will bring a lot of happiness, but if the surrounding runes are negative indicating that the success will be short. For people who are eager to have children and can not presage the best result. Reversed: Family and domestic issues, friction with those closest. Just a warning about being the runes which tell us the way to go. Can you tell us temporary separations, not definitive. Receiving disturbing news of a family member or friend / a very close friend. Any company that you be contemplating at this time will fail, but as there is a highly negative rune can presagiaros only through the containment and timely action, those plans will mature later. EHWAZ ![]() "Physical movement, changes" Sequential Order No. 18 Law: Affirmative forever. Its primary meaning is change, both psychological and new homes, and usually one that has been anticipated. It is possible that this change involves some kind of trip, even a final transfer of domicile. It is gradual and steady development in your personality to get the balance needed. Whatever the question the consultant suggests that the problem will be addressed in the right spirit and he is near success. You may also see someone competent to help you in your task. Reversed: It is the only rune that we automatically assume a negative sense when reversed.If you get surrounded by positive runes that can mean the same as the right.Sometimes when Uruz appears bodes very rapid or unexpected change. Unless associate are very negative runes not entail a change bad. In this case advised not resist and implement any changes that you could be considering at this time, because it can mean failure and loss. Cercioraos that what you do or do not do appropriate. MANNAZ ![]() "Interdependence humanity" Sequential Order No. 19 Law: These refer to it soon appears that you need help to solve your problem. Such assistance may well come in the form of good honest and impartial advice.Sometimes this rune appears in reference to the questioner. In that case, maybe you can tell ye obsessed with the problem as to solve it. If they had negative runes around shows that have exorbitant everything and are about to render you: it's time to try to adopt a more positive and progressive. Mannaz can point to a time when you need to show special care to maintain modesty. Perhaps this is not the time to take credit for any achievement. Examine your current situation, Analyse the runes and be careful. It may also indicate magical ability, particularly if you are surrounded by Perdhro or Lagaz. However, with Lagaz Mannaz portends that the consultant has problems with women in general, regardless of gender. Reversed: Indicates that during the period covered by the reading can not expect help from anyone your situation. You will meet with obstacles and obstructions to your plans. Sometimes, your opponent is an individual, but sometimes it is a group of people who consider it appropriate to interfere in your affairs. In this case, the runes surrounding Mannaz indicate how to handle the matter. Together with Isa or Nied, suggests waiting before acting, with Huera indicates legal means, with Tir advised to "fight fire with fire". Mannaz also may indicate that the consultant is your worst enemy: to vary Try to see things from the point of view of another person. Can show you that you are taking a lifestyle alien to you and that you should change. Lagaz O LAGUZ ![]() "Intuitive knowledge" Sequential Order No. 20 Law: Indicates that it is very important to follow your intuition right now despite the doubts and difficulties. It also indicates that something greater is protecting and guiding you even if you realize this guide. Can warn of a prophetic dream about a potentially hazardous situation or an important event. The success at this time is in tune with your inner voice. Lagaz is the main female and almost always rune symbolizes the consultant if it is female. For a woman, Lagaz indicates that no matter what problems overwhelm you, it will be more than able to cope with them.If the consultant is a man, show the presence of a strong woman who will support you no one to see, but it will mean the most important woman in his life. Lagaz speaks of a good memory and learning success through imagination. We often say that the tide has turned in your favor and it is time to relax, calm down and take a sabbatical. Lagaz also indicates that you will find a compassionate and understanding of those that you can use to help you solve your problems. Reversed: It represents a very bad sign unless it is supported by very positive rune.Portends that you are being very misguided by your intuition and you have taken the easy way out, which can only lead to trouble. We must wait to see and later make decisions. Inverted Lagaz can tell a woman who may contribute to your life problems. It can mean betrayal by a friend / oo scams romantically. If you are surrounded by runes of success, may indicate a strong female figure may be of great help to you at this time but then I will feel obliged by gratitude. ING OR Ingwaz ![]() "Continuity of Life" Sequential Order No. 21 The answer is yes and it can be considered very positive rune (only fully negative readings suggest reach failure. Indicates that at the time of the run rune have enough strength and energy to successfully complete any project and always shows a successful completion of the problem that occupies you could presage important event in your life like the birth of a child, a new job or an adventure of love. Indicates the end of a stage of life that gives rise to a new and more stimulating. It is a time release positive energy where you have very good luck. DAEG O DAGAZ ![]() "Growth and development" Order Sequence No. 22 This rune is related to everything that has to do with the material world, money, inheritance, property, investments, etc.. and its interpretation has to do with the runes they accompany. Represents an important period of growth and development, lack of negatives and even in a negative reading shows that you possess enough inner strength to turn over your situation if you want to use it. If you exit with delay runes decrease your negativity and mark the moment of victory over obstacles. AEG symbolizing development is slow but constant may not be aware of changes as they pass, but one day awaken and things appear much brighter. It also shows the attitude you show towards others. Sometimes take this rune means a major change in your life, something so radical that he will never live it the same way. Overall, it's a fresh start but you have to make the best of what's in these moments. Othel O OTHALAZ ![]() "Possessions, execution" Sequential Order No. 23 Law: Represents the things money can not buy. Surrounded by runes as Fehu, Beorg, Nied or Wunjo indicates a materialist or a tacaño.Unida with Sigel speaks of a person completely overturned in their work. Sometimes it can mean a person consumed by an ideal or a vision perhaps inspired by the past. The runes you need to look in this case are Ansuz and Mannaz. Predicts also help older people or old friends that you care. Reversed: Delays and frustrations if you want great move too fast. Continue with this stress could permanently damage a relationship much like any problem that you run time of worry. You have to be patient and meticulous to the smallest detail that you might give a clue. Do not expect any monetary help from family or close friend and realize that you depend on yourself. Often this rune will show that even legal methods will not help. FEHU ![]() "Performing, won" Sequential Order No. 24 Law: In ancient times, cattle were the measure of a man's wealth, gave a large range within their tribe and kept alive to him and his family. Cultural patterns have changed and other belongings replaced the cattle but this rune, Fehu has remained a symbol of earned income. Along with Othel, a rune Fehu is very important for material gain. Usually indicates a prosperity that will in some way (we indicate the runes around it). It is a rune of realization, something that you have worked a long time, is now done. It means overcoming the opposition both personal and impersonal. You have great strength to overcome all opposition by diligence and labor. With runes romantic love represents a gain of some kind and if you decide to declare to you, you will be well accepted. It may also indicate a new and successful proposition right job or financial investment. With negative runes may indicate that there is adequate time for a new start again both romantic and professional. In this case what best you can do is concentraros to accumulate or keep what you have already won, instead of jumping blindly into new territory. If the question is to stop or continue with a project in favor of another, the advice is to continue with the task. Do not give up while there is the slightest chance of success. Maybe you're having bad times, but the sunrises always follows the dark. The sun is almost gone. Reversed: It means loss or disappointment if you continue in the same way. If the runes are positive about just about irritating defeat you going to get very nervous. I advise you to abandon any plans already undertaken that most likely will not be very effective in the long run. In romantic situations indicates frequent arguments, doubts and suspicions and the problem may not be temporary. Shew special surveillance, there are many questionable situations and you have to be careful not to be caught in a moment in dealings or relationships that could provide much later regret. Rune ODIN ![]() "Random Factor" There is everything to be said. It's full potential, everything and nothing. Death is necessary for life and life is necessary for death. Unforeseen can happen. You can get great successes or failures, it all depends on your behavior and true interests. There is a secret that is hidden from your knowledge for your own good and that can come to light at any time. Runes accompanying the roll will give you clues to the nature of this |