10 Chilling Mysteries

The mystery of the ship Ourang Medan 

Ourang Medan 
In February 1948, distress calls were picked up by numerous ships near Indonesia, issued by the freighter SS Ourang Holadés Medan. The chilling message was "All officers including captain lying dead in the map room and the bridge. Possibly the entire crew is dead. "This message was followed by indecipherable Morse code and completed a creepy last sentence:" I die. "When the first rescue vessel arrived on the scene a few hours later, tried to greet the Ourang Medan but there was response. A boarding team was sent to the ship, and what they found was a chilling, which became the Ourang Medan in one of the darkest legends of all time. 
All the crew and officers of Ourang Medan were dead, their eyes open, their faces looking towards the sun, arms outstretched and a look of terror on their faces. Even the ship's dog was dead, appeared to have died growling towards an enemy. As they approached the bodies in the boiler room, the rescue team felt cold, although the temperature there was around 43 °. He decided to take the boat back to port, but before they could carry this out, smoke came out of the helmet. The rescue team left the ship and barely had time to cut the tow lines before the Ourang Medan exploded and sank, leaving a mystery forever. 
The footprints of the devil 

Alleged photo and drawing of the footprints 
The night between 8 and February 9, 1855, and some of the subsequent nights, after a light snow appeared shaped hoof marks in the snow. These footprints, measuring between 4 and 6 inches wide and were spaced 20 cm, crossed the entire field along about 160 miles, and even deviated in some points, the majority of the course went straight . Houses and other obstacles were passed over, and footprints appeared on the snow covered roof and walls higher than they were in the way of the footprints. Also there were rumors of sightings of a "figure like the devil" in the Devon area during the scare. Many residents armed themselves and attempted to track down the beast responsible, without success. Recently, the night of March 12, 2009, more strange marks, equal to those left in 1855, were found again in Devon. 
The New York phantom plane 

The December 26, 1933 all airports in New York City were ordered to turn on their landing lights, hoping that a plane was heard circling the city during a snow storm could land. All attempts to contact the airplane by radio had failed, no one knew who was flying or where it came from. By the evening the city police was saturated with numerous calls from people who saw and heard a plane flying dangerously close to the ground, as if looking for a place to land. But then the ghost plane disappeared. No reported no shock, nor any aircraft or pilot reported missing. Almost 80 years after the Phantom aircraft and its pilot remains a mystery. 
The Ghost of Freddy Jackson 

Freddy? Jackson? 
This photo was taken in 1919 but it was first published in 1975 by Sir Victor Goddard, a retired Royal Air Force. The photo is a portrait of Goddard's squadron, who served in the First World War the HMS Daedalus. An Extra ghostly face appears in the photo. Behind the man who is in the top row, fourth from the left, can clearly be seen the face of another man. Said to be the face of Freddy Jackson, an aircraft mechanic who was accidentally killed by airplane propeller two days earlier. His funeral was held the day this photograph was taken. The squad members easily recognized the face as Jackson's. 
Zombie Women of Haiti 

Felicia Felix-Mentor 
In 1936 he found a naked woman limping through the streets of Haiti. This woman came to a farm which he said belonged to his father. The farm owners identified the woman as Felicia Felix-Mentor, but there was one problem: She had been dead for more than 20 years of sudden and terminal illness, which her ​​husband confirmed. 
Haitians believe that the woman suffered disease was characteristic of a person marked to become a zombie. A doctor's interview behavior described as follows: 
Her occasional outbursts of laughter contained no emotion, and frequently spoke of herself in first or third person without any sense of discrimination. He had lost all sense of time and was very indifferent to the world of things around her. 
Shanti Devi reincarnated?? 

Shanti Devi 
In 1930, at the age of four years, Shanti Devi of Delhi, India, told her parents that had previously lived in a place called Muttra (now known as Mathura), who was the mother of three, who died of childbirth, and that her previous name was Ludgi. His parents did not believe her and she ran away from home when he was 6 years trying to get to the village, but could not.Because the girl continually recounted the story and knew the dialect of the village, the school principal investigated and found a merchant whose wife had died of complications of childbirth, the woman's name was Ludgi Devi. The case even drew the attention of Mahatma Gandhi, who created a commission to investigate the case. They took Shanti to the village, where she began to speak the local dialect and recognized her husband and children from a previous life. Even gave 24 clear statements coincided with facts about the life of Ludgi. The Committee concluded that Shanti Devi was indeed the reincarnation of Devi Ludgi. 
The Chupas 

During the months of October, November and December 1977 and the first half of 1978, the Brazilian state of Pará was invaded by strange flying objects. There were simple sightings, or mysterious lights flying at high altitudes. They were bright objects in various shapes and sizes and emitting a humming refrigerator as transformer, flying over the region of the Bay of Marajo at low altitude, just a few meters above the trees and strong rays of light shooting people. Those injured by the phenomenon, which for believers in aliens is one of the most important, they gave several names to objects, including "vampire light", "insect", "thing" and especially "chupa-chupa" . 
After the many reports of attacks, the government became concerned and sent the military to find that happening. The Army conducted interviews, examined wounds and tried to observe the phenomenon, and some of the soldiers were witnesses.The result was a report of 2,000 pages with over 500 photos strange and almost 16 hours of video. It is rumored that parts of this report have been leaked. 
James Worson 

On September 3, 1873, a man named James Worson had accepted a challenge to race in record time from the town of Leamington to the town of Coventry, a distance of 32 kilometers. He had been bragging your fitness and your ability to run, so he was asked to prove it, so with a good sportsmanship is proposed to do exactly that. Two friends, Hammerson Burns and Barham Wise followed closely in a vehicle pulled by a horse. Burns took with your camera. Worson never left his sight and turned continually to share some friendly words. As he ran through the middle of the road, Worson suddenly seemed shaken and go ahead, with just time for a short, piercing scream. Wise later said, "It was the scariest sound than any of us have ever heard." But as he fell forward Worson was so terrible cry, instead of falling to the ground as it looked for it, vanished completely average of fall even before touching the ground. 
Wise took pictures of the ground, and this seemed to tell the same story, Worson treads that were in the dirt on the floor, seemed to falter and disappear. A search was organized and carried out an investigation and that Burns and Wise suspect had been killed, but the investigation found nothing to support the allegation. Search dogs used were reluctant to approach the point where Worson disappeared. Never been heard or know about it. 
Overtoun bridge 

Overtoun Bridge 
Overtoun The bridge is located near Milton, Dumbarton in Scotland, and was built in 1859. It has become famous for that in many cases dogs have committed suicide by jumping from, and what makes it more mysterious is that always jump from the same spot: between the final two parapets on the right side of the bridge. Sometimes dogs survive the fall of 15 meters, recover, and then jump off the bridge again. 
Some believe the bridge is haunted, while others have theories as there is a scent that attracts dogs, but that does not explain who always jump to the same spot all. In 1994, a man threw his baby at that point, saying he was the Antichrist, and after the man attempted suicide there. 

Note on a daily Gef 
In September 1931, the Irving family, consisting of James, Margaret and her 13 year old daughter said Voirrey hear persistent scratching and whispering behind the wooden walls of his farm. At first they thought it was a rat, but then the creature began making different sounds, sometimes like a ferret, or howling like a dog, or gurgling like a baby. Soon the creature revealed an ability to speak, and introduced himself as Gef, a mongoose. 
Gef said things like that was "an extra extra clever mongoose", a "spirit of the earth" and "a ghost in the form of weasel.Voirrey Irving, who took their care Gef, died in 2005, maintained until his death that his invention was not Gef. 
Alleged photo of Gef