Psychic Guide
Ordinary people, ordinary, even children are sometimes able to produce strange phenomena for most mortals. Psychic powers is that, according to researchers in the field, have nothing magical manifest in symptoms ranging from changes in brain waves graphically recorded modifications breathing and heart rate. Then, a complete guide to what these powers and phenomena related to each one of them.
With irony and humor just promoted by the history of psychology, Sigmund Freud summarized: "He who seeks a sorcerer who is in his unconscious ...". He meant neither more nor less than to psychic powers.
Those powers that are manifested in the psychic structure of the people without involving the outside world are called subjective.Those who protest in the outside world without involving muscle strength are the goals. Below is a list of them and some phenomena derived.
With irony and humor just promoted by the history of psychology, Sigmund Freud summarized: "He who seeks a sorcerer who is in his unconscious ...". He meant neither more nor less than to psychic powers.
Those powers that are manifested in the psychic structure of the people without involving the outside world are called subjective.Those who protest in the outside world without involving muscle strength are the goals. Below is a list of them and some phenomena derived.
Unusual subjective phenomenon. Knowledge is defined as a contemporary fact obtained by psychic pathways. It causes some tremors, sweating and mild dizziness producer. The science is unable to explain through normal patterns. Just simply check the veracity of innumerable cases.
A famous case of clairvoyance, and one of the first scientifically recorded was the Swedish Emanuel Swedenborg a mystic philosopher who lived in Stockholm in the seventeenth century. The year was 1650 when he made one of his many trips to a distant location 80 km. At one point he said: "There is a big fire in Stockholm, is coming to my house, but shut it down a few meters ...". Two days later, the news ran so slowly, it was found that there was such a fire and was put out a few houses of Swendenborg.
Unusual subjective phenomenon. Knowledge is real and true, psychic pathways, an event that will occur. Shivers in the body and a slight feeling of warmth in the face. Some scientists, such as Carl Gustav Jung, tried to explain through the Principle of Synchronicity. This theory argues that the times measured by clocks no items to other links, and so it would be possible to know what will happen within days, months or years.

The deduction by means of logic and reasoning should not be confused with cases of precognition. File Psychology numerous cases in which the unconscious deduced, with great ability and talent, what would happen. In anything related to precognition. Was raised in the wake of precognition a philosophical problem: if everything can be known, is the destination exists?. He responded to this with a definition of fate is the sum of the past, the present of each.
Usual subjective phenomenon. Transmission is mental certain content from one person to another. It does not cause any sensation or symptom visible especially those who produce it. Within the powers, science considered him for the first time, something natural and becoming humans.

Early observations indicated that those very close emotionally suffering pain sensations other. Today, it is common, and is not attributed to any unfathomable mystery, a mother of twins "feel" a great distance the intraquilidad, nervousness or a small or big accident expermentado for the other person.

Telepathy is a power transmitted exclusively by psychological pathways. In nonverbal language can, in many cases, "transmit" countless feelings or certain things. It's just a "message" and not a telepathic transmission. In laboratory experiments, never puts people face to face, but in separate rooms.
Unusual subjective phenomenon. Inland is psychic knowledge of past events. Produces goose bumps, smothering and hand tremors.Science has not found grounds, but he connected with clairvoyance.

If anyone told you that there is in place a body deterninado disappeared 2000 years ago and offers all kinds of details about it to find it, one could think of this power. However, there are those who explain it simply, by clairvoyance.
Usual objective phenomenon. It is the psychic ability to move objects at a distance without intervening muscle strength.Ocaciona some alterations in breathing and slight dizziness. It was proven by footage, photographs and hundreds of witnesses. I produce, often, young or teenagers.

This phenomenon is similar to telekinesis, but do not be confused. Telekinesis has a "scope" that does not exceed 50 meters. This means that the producer of this power will only move the objects within that radius. The priest Oscar González Quevedo, one of the most renowned researchers of these phenomena, claims that telekinesis is produced by a force called "telergia" natural to many people.
Unusual objective phenomenon. It's posbilidad float through the air after generating a force greater than gravity. It produces no visible symptoms, but causes extreme fatigue after events. Science has no doubt about its existence and particularly religious history alludes to them as a regular event.

In circus acts or demonstrations called "scientists" are trying to convince that levitation can occur at will and at any time, but only perform stage tricks. There were cases of those "floating" in the air were able to remove all their physical needs and spent days without eating, drinking and barely breathing. They attributed this to a state of "trance" that causes similar to hypnosis.
Unusual objective phenomenon. It is the psychic ability of a person to be simultaneously in two places near or distant Until now it was impossible to check whether or not changes occur in the body. Research claim that the cases most likely occurred in people spanning situations.

Dr. Herschey Germain, a researcher at the University of Arizona, says that if cases of bilocation are "absolutely unverifiable", there is very little reason to doubt them: "In the Middle Ages recorded over a hundred people observe this phenomenon occurring . Obviously, they are not in view of anyone but an interpretation of time and symbols let you see clearly that people of the same time were recorded in faraway places, more so for those years. "
Usual objective phenomenon. It is a substance that comes from the person and takes a density similar to white fabric. Hence, this can be called as "fantasmogénesis" referring to the fictional figures of ghosts. Unlike other events, causes an inner sense of peace and security estrema. The scientific findings are limited to carefully questioned several witnesses and photographs.

Between 1890 and 1920, the Nobel Prize, Charles Richet ectoplamia defined the psychic potential as taking a state that is seen to the senses, but often acquire human-like morphology. It's what, then, call fantasmogénesis.
Rather frequent, psychic powers are still the way of mystery and just line the attention of science in general. His presence in everyday dispels fears however remote. Is there "chosen"?. No one would, seriously, to deny or affirm. It speaks of a higher spiritual development that would awaken these dormant powers in the deep unconscious, then yes, that would emerge "wizard" that Freud mentioned without fear of ridicule.