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The next pope will be the last according to the prophecies of St. Malachy. The line of popes have come almost to an end. Malachi prophesied one list of the succession of Popes from Celestine II (1143) to "the end of the world." Do not named, but revealed low symbolic successors titles, set in America. His prophecy contained in a slogan for the 111 popes from Celestine II (1143).
St. Malachy's original name was O'Morgair and was born in Armagh, Ireland, in 1094, over a thousand years ago. He was christened Maelmhaedhoc (this name has been Latinized as Malachy) and studied with Imbar O'Hagan later became the abbot of Armagh. In 1119 he was ordained priest by St. Cellach (Celso), studied under St. Malchus and in 1123 was elected abbot of Bangor. He died in 1148 at Clairvaux in the arms of San Bernardo. According to this, Mal is known for his meekness, humility, obedience, modesty and as truly diligent in his studies. It also tells us that Malachi predicted the day and hour of his death. The Breviary in office during the festival of St. Malachy mentions that he was enriched with the gift of prophecy.
It is believed that Malachi had her visions between late 1139 and early 1140, during his visit to Rome. Wrote the visions on paper and handed the manuscript to Innocent II to console the Holy Father in his afflictions. Innocent II placed the manuscript in the archives where they remained "hidden" for nearly four centuries. This term seems quite reasonable since Malachi prophecies began Celestine II (1143).
Some say it's pretty easy to match the characteristics of the popes and the prophecies of Malachi after the fact. The themes presented by Malachi usually refer to the pope's coat of arms, or place of birth, or sometimes even their physical actions, and sometimes major events that occurred during his reign as Pope.
Possible scenarios at this time are:
Scenario I
If the prophecies are as described in the prophecies of St. Malachy, published by the SO in 1969, which lists 112 slogans of the Popes "until the end of time" are correct. Then John Paul II will be replaced by another Pope whose pontificate will be called by the olive branch, symbol of peace. The number of popes from Gloria Olivae Petrus Romanus would be unknown. In my opinion this is the reason why Petrus Romanus was added to the original prophecy of Malachi. This situation would make the Catholic Church very happy, and would indicate a permanent future of the Church. But, it negates the original set of prophecies and not based on Malachi slogans.
Scenario II
If the original version of the prophecies of Malachi are accepted, indicating that there are only 111 popes from Celestine II (1143) to the "end of time". So this would require the Olivae Glory of Christ, as the church considers the last Pope, the head of the church, Jesus at His Second Coming. The Scriptures indicate that at the Second Coming, He let his enemies and usher in a millennium of peace. This scenario has some built in problems. Before Christ returns and establishes His kingdom, before He is in Zion (13), the seven-year tribulation has to be completed (14). But before the seven years begins Antichrist must come to power (15), after the believers are raptured. (16) At this time the Antichrist establishes the false church, as described in Revelation 17. I believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, I have no assurance that the prophecies of Malachi are infallible or that they were inspired by God. This belief required to accept the time frame of the rapture of believers literal return of Christ and walk in Zion should be at least seven years, tribulation, and it also implies a likely time for the Antichrist comes to power. The Scripture does not give a deadline for the Antichrist rise to power, but it can be assumed to be 3.5 to 7 years, based on the time frames of trouble. Please understand that the time frame of seven years is biblical, but the time for the Antichrist to rise is speculation. In any case, for this scenario to work the current Pope, who is in poor health, must live at least another 10 years. IS IT POSSIBLE?
Scenario III
One solution that has been proposed is that John Paul I not count as one of the 111 popes in the prophecies of Malachi. This would mean that John Paul II would the motto Of medietate Lunae and would indicate the emergence of Islamic nations and their religion during his pontificate. Then there would be two more popes and the entire discussion is delayed until the next pope is identified and world conditions are known in their choice. However, as mentioned short term these popes have had in the past and this would tend to deny the rational for this scenario. If this scenario is accepted, the prophecies of Malachi does not apply.
Stage IV
Another possible scenario is quite unpleasant for the favor of the prophecies of Malachi, but could meet all the parameters, including the time required Bible. The many critics of the prophecies may be right. None of the writings have questioned the source of the information given to Malachi. To the slogans have been as accurate, it is necessary to Malachi to receive the information in a supernatural way.
But it was God or other? Satan has set for the submission of information that is 98 percent correct, but the remaining two percent target leads to astray. When Satan tempted Christ, all things that could have delivered promised that he was the prince of this world. It seems that 110 slogans were nearly perfect in representing their potatoes, but are we misinterpreting the number 111?
All the Popes have looked as men of God, but it could be the 111 otherwise. We know from the revelation that a well known and recognized leader religious, the False Prophet, the Antichrist will point and tell the world that this man is El Salvador of the world. Be imitating John the Baptist and identify the false Christ.