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With the abdication of Benedict XVI, there were those who recalled the famous prophecy of Malachi, who says that the Pope 112 will face the Antichrist and will be known as Peter the Roman. Benedict XVI was No. 111.
With the abdication of Benedict XVI, there is the question of his successor, and that according to the prophecy of St Malachy, was the last pope of the Catholic Church, before the end of the world, and became known as Peter the Roman, also lead the fight against the Antichrist.
St. Malachy made a pilgrimage to Rome and during late 1139 and early 1140 had visions of 112 Popes from Celestine II, elected Pope in 1130 to the last pontiff described in your list as Peter Romano.
This situation has also been warned by the Chilean theologian Hugo Zepeda.
History of Prophecy
Benedictine historian Arnold Wion was the first to mention these prophecies in his book Lignum Vitae, published in 1559.
The book of the prophecies of St. Malachy was originally published in 1969 by Colin Smythe, Ltd. in England, with the title "Prophecies of St. Malachy and St. Columbkille."
Tan Books published it in the United States in 1973, entitled "Prophecies of St. Malachy", its author is Peter Bander.
The prophecy
In the list of 112 Popes, the last five are described by their Latin names to identify them as: Flos Florum, De medietate Lunae De Labore Solis, Gloria Olivae and Petrus Romanus.
On this last prophecy says: "In extreme psecutione SREsedebit. (SRE = Sacræ Romanae Ecclesiæ) Petrus Romanus, qui multis pascet OUES in tribulationibus: quibus Transactis septicollis ciuitas diruetur, & Judex tremedus iudicabit populum suum. Finis. "
The Spanish translation is: "During the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations, after which the city of seven hills (Rome) will be destroyed and the Judge Terrible judge the people. Fin. "
Note that for some theologians St. Malachy's prophecy refers to the End of the Catholic Church and the World.
The five popes
Pope Paul VI (Flos Florum - Flower of flowers). Giovanni Battista Montini was Pope from 1963 to 1978. In his coat of arms are three "fleurs de lis" lilies. Successfully concluded the Second Vatican Council, made rigorous reform in the Roman Curia, I travel to every continent of the Earth and was called Papa Pilgrim. In 1965 was very well received and accepted during his speech to the United Nations. Author of the encyclicals opulorum Progressio (1967), Humanae vitae July 24, 1968. He died on August 6, 1978, the feast of the Transfiguration.
Pope John Paul I (De medietate Lunae - Of the half moon). Abino Pope Luciani was for 33 days. He was born on October 17, 1912 in Forno di Canale, now called Canale Agordo, was baptized the same day by his nurse, fearing that he might die, and was baptized by a priest. After a life dedicated to the Church as a priest, was elected Pope on the second day of the conclave on August 26, 1978. He died of a heart attack on September 28, 1978, thirty three days after the beginning of his papacy.
"Of the half moon" is a very apt description relative to its beginning, and after his short pontificate. Even his name Abino Luciani means white light, it was mentioned that the most important events of his life were for crescent dates.
Pope John Paul II (De Labore Solis - Work of the Sun). Pontiff from 1978-2005. In his description in Latin to expert opinion fits perfectly to emerge as a special light to the Catholic Church. The second meaning of "de labore solis" is a solar eclipse, in which it seems that the sun has to work for light. Perhaps the fact that John Paul II was a very Marian Pope had a special devotion to the Virgin Mary, the woman clothed with the sun appearing in Revelation, suggest as if the sun (Our Lord) is temporarily overshadowed the moon (the Virgin Mary).
For others, John Paul II, consider the phrase "From the work of the Sun" refers to his tireless work around the world, while others claim that this is due mainly to Karol Wojtyla was born and died eclipse day another day eclipse.
Pope Benedict XVI (Olivae Gloria - The Glory of the Olive). He chose his name honoring St. Benedict, author of the strict rules of the Benedictine community. Their slogan is "Co - workers of Truth".
It is claimed that this prediction is that Benedict belongs to the Benedictine order, who receive the nickname "Olivetans" so too, it is said that Benedict, was born on Holy Saturday, the last Saturday before Easter, for which Lent is performed, which begins on Palm Sunday (olive).
According to St. Malachy's prediction, Gloria Olivae give way to Petrus Romanus, who adopted the name of the first Bishop of Rome and the direct successor of Jesus Christ. It should be noted that within the "papables", there are two candidates whose names are Pedro.