How to provoke lucid dreaming?

A lucid dream is just a dream in which you realize you're dreaming.
Many people have had a dream of this kind in his life, and few can have them regularly without any effort on your part, but unfortunately for most it is not, and especially the first lucid dreams have a very short duration due to the excitement of the moment, but with practice its duration increases.
To have lucid dreams there are various techniques, but for all it is advisable to have a "dream journal".

In this journal you will note the dreams you've had at night when you get up. This practice, in addition to gather useful information for personal use, is for the mind gets used to remember dreams. In fact it is the best way to remember what we dream at night, and the truth is that for many lucid dreams we have, if we do not remember, we will think that we have not had any. So grab a notepad and start writing down dreams today.

To record the dreams must wait a moment upon waking with eyes closed, remembering, if you move your head around awakening start running and memories of dreams trouble them, and this will make it difficult to recover. Once you have reviewed your dreams, take the pad and pen and start writing. You may want to have a notepad and pen next to your bed or pillow, and you can accompany with a lantern in hand, so as not having to turn on the light.

Now, the first technique for lucid dreaming: the suggestion. To believe that we will have a lucid dream cause it. This technique is the simplest of all, but does not produce as good results as other techniques that require active paticipación.

By suggestion is can have one or two lucid dreams per week, which is not bad to do it effortlessly. If you use hypnosis to go directly to suggestions dream to be lucid, this proportion may increase.

The second technique requires constant activity, and be alert during the day, to bring this custom to night. First of all you need to have at least a dozen targeted dreams in your journal. Now, check these dreams and find common points, signals or situations that commonly recur in your dreams. Board at least 5 or 6 of these commonalities, we shall call dreamsigns. Now we just have to watch during the day whenever you present one of these dream signs, when present, do a reality check to see if you're dreaming or awake. If you get used to suddenly one day while you're dreaming you wonder: is this a dream? and indeed it is.

A reality check can be genuinely wonder if you're dreaming, but ask you seriously, if I answer questions and automatically, even if you're asleep you will not notice. Dreams are extremely realistic but strange things happen. The easiest way to recognize a dream is because the environment changes, not static.

There reality check "standard" that are quite effective, such as hitting a little jump and check fleets or regular fall, look at the time on a digital clock 2 times and check that the time does not change, counted the fingers and check for change, hold your nose and try to breathe with her stuffy, through objects by hand, reading a text 2 times and check for changes ... etc.

With this method you can get about 3 or 4 lucid dreams per week.

The third method is called DILD by its acronym in English (Dreaming induced lucid dream) meaning induced lucid dream from the dream. This method is highly effective and can produce up to 7 or 8 lucid dreams per week, more than one night. For this method we need to first have a decent memory posteriori, ie remember to do something when we have to. The idea is to remember to realize that we are in a dream, when we are really in a dream. This type of memory can be easily trained in the following way:

Ponte to start a list of 3 or 4 different items for each day, the number may increase with practice. Now when you see these objects for the first time during the day you must remember that you were aware of him. For example, a traffic light, a car, a cup and a newspaper. When you see the light you realize "this is one of the objects".

Well that's all the training you need. Once done you can have lucid dreams at will, just do one thing:

Set the alarm for about 2 hours before the usual time to wake you, for example if you usually sleep eight hours set the alarm to wake up in six hours. Once awake espavílate, do some tasks involving mental work such as reading, watching the news, television .... Depending on the person the optimal time to return back to the bed can vary from half an hour to two hours. After this time back to bed to sleep, and you will have a record amount of rem sleep state, ie when dreams occur, and therefore lucid dreaming. Go to sleep thinking you're going to realize when you're in a dream, train you as you did with the objects in the day.

The fourth method is called WILD for its acronym in English (wake induced lucid dream) meaning induced lucid dream from the waking state. This method may seem a little meditation, as it seeks to enter the dream without losing alertness.

To maintain the focus is a focus mind. The most common are hypnagogic images, these images are strange lights and shapes that go behind your eyelids just before sleep. Beware that if you focus too much on them can espavilarte, get away sleep and therefore the images disappear. Another focus is body sensations such as body weight increases, etc.. You can count to 100, do a reality check, and again count to 100, calmly ...

You can also focus your attention on your breathing. The possibilities are virtually endless, but you need to calibrate the energy you use.

If you use too much energy will have a sleepless night. If you use very little energy consciousness losing sleep and not have a lucid dream.

This technique is more complicated, but once mastered produces lucid dreams at will, that is, when you want.

The easiest time to have a WILD is like the DILD in the last hours of the night. So if you wake up as in the DILD and do the WILD, you're multiplying by far the chances of having a lucid dream. The second best moment for a WILD is a mid-afternoon nap. And finally the most difficult time to get it is when we go to bed at night. When you get to have wilds during afternoon naps're probably still a long way to get them when you go to sleep early in the night, but when you get this you have lucid dreams all night, jumping from dream to dream, as if surfearas waves.

The most complicated in the WILD is the time to transition to sleep, especially for people afraid. Everyone experiences the transition in a different way, some are nice the first time, but some can be scary if you do not know what they are. We can hear noises such as someone who is on our side. For someone who gets caught off guard, this can be quite a scary thing, because the sounds seem real but are actually sounds that come from inside our mind, sound sleep in which we are about to enter. There may also be feelings that something it sucks, losing the body ... Just relax, you will not get anything, every night experiencing the same feelings, only you never realize.

I must also advise you that sleep paralysis in the WILD not nothing wrong, is something that occurs during sleep to prevent our muscles move as we do in the dream, and avoid accidents. Is life insurance, as it were.

Many people are scared to be "awake" and not able to move your body as no images or sounds of a dream about him. Some people call night terrors. When you realize what it really is sleep paralysis, can be very enjoyable. I really love that feeling of feeling the etheric body, and recognize it as a sign that I will have a lucid dream at any moment.

A part of these techniques, there may be external devices that help us to have lucid dreams.

The most common are:

Isochronic or binaural tones: These shades can adjust the working frequency of our mind which occurs during a lucid dream.

Blinking: We may use a flashing light as a sign that we're in a dream within a dream and recognize. It takes some practice to make this signal works, but can double the number of lucid dreams that have normally.